21 Health Benefits of Ginger Root, Juice and Tea

March 12, 2016

Total 21 Health Benefits of Ginger for Men and Women

Both men and women can get health benefits of ginger by taking it as root, juice or tea. Ginger contains Chromium, Magnesium, Zinc, Potassium, vitamin B6 etc. It improve healing power of body.

Health Benefits of Ginger - Ginger has great healing power

Health Benefits of Ginger – Ginger has great healing power

Proven Health Benefits of Ginger Root and Tea

  1. Eating little bit of fresh ginger root before a meal helps to inspire your appetite and improve digestive juice.
  2. Maintain normal blood circulation because of chromium, magnesium, zinc in ginger.
  3. Helps to prevent motion sickness.
  4. Improve absorption of essential nutrients in the body.
  5. Ginger fights for nausea and cold sweating, reduce it.
  6. Ginger is from turmeric family which is a anti-inflammatory and also a natural painkiller.
  7. It help to benefit respiratory problem because of cough and also remove mucus.
  8. Ginger tea helps to benefit throat and nose congestion. Healing benefits of ginger tea is even great.
  9. Ginger helps to benefit to prevent cold and flu.
  10. It appears to reduce stomach discomfort.
  11. Ginger may reduce muscle soreness after a intense workout.
  12. Ginger may prevent cancer.
  13. It helps to improve our immune system, for better health.
  14. Ginger decrease blood sugar level.
  15. Fresh Ginger root cut cholesterol (both LDL/bad cholesterol and HDL/good cholesterol).
  16. Ginger powder with hot water like tea help to loss weight.

Health Benefits of Ginger Juice

  1. By applying ginger juice in scalp, it act as conditioner. Ginger reduce dandruff, speeds up hair growth.
  2. Ginger juice consumption helps to reduce acne or pimples.

Health Benefits of Ginger for Women

  1. Deal with Morning Sickness for pregnant women.
  2. Ginger helps to decrease menstrual pain, nausea, cramping etc.

Health Benefits of Ginger for Men

  1. Ginger boost bedroom time by reducing erectile dysfunction in men and increase fertility. Ginger’s combination magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium and manganese improve increase sperm production by improving sex.

All health benefits of ginger listed for any type of form it has like root, juice, tea. If you any ginger benefit then tell us.


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Last Updated On: March 14th, 2016

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